Do you have a lump on your neck, back, or behind your ear? This is what it means!

A lump behind the ear can have many causes, including skin and bone problems.

Swollen lymph nodes, infections, and cancer can form a mass.

Most of these are anxiety disorders and usually go away without treatment.

There are several skin diseases and infections that cause lumps behind the nose.

A mass forms on the skin
There are three material sources behind the ear;

anal skin
Acne appears behind the ear

Acne is a common skin condition that causes bumps behind the ears.

In acne, the skin pores become clogged with oil. Sebum is an oily substance secreted in the area at the base of the hair follicle.

The oil mixes with the dead skin cells to form a layer called a blackhead.

If the bacteria gets into the blackhead, the pimple will become infected and inflamed.

Inflamed acne can spread, and in its most severe form is called an acne mass.

If it forms a mass, it can cause pain. Cysts and other cysts on the head can be accompanied by pimples or acne behind the ears, especially on the face.

Cystic acne is an unpleasant condition that causes scarring. But doctors can fight cystic acne with effective treatment.

mark behind the ear

They appear anywhere on the skin, even behind the ears.

There is a small amount of fluid in the cyst on the skin. They form a raised dome-shaped area on the skin. Sometimes a black spot is called a top spot.

They can move spontaneously and do not stay in one place. Make sure the skin cannot be removed.

The skin of the anus is usually done in the anal space. The follicular layer of this hair type consists of rooted cells.

It can also occur in the breast. They produce glands responsible for moisturizing the skin and hair.

Another cyst forms from cells on the surface of the skin called epidermoid cysts. Finally, there are sebaceous cysts, which are less common and contain oily substances.


Lipo adds another yama mass behind the ear. Lipo mass is benign fat. They are not cancerous, grow very slowly and do not spread.

They can also be seen under the skin, even behind the ears.

A lipoma is sensitive to the touch. They are usually painless unless they press on a nearby nerve.

It usually only happens in certain places. Rarely, some people have multiple lipomas at the same time.

These masses are often small, from the size of a pea to a centimeter.

They left them untouched. If necessary, the doctor can remove the lipoma.

It is a type of cystic mass and lipoma. Compared to moles, lipomas are located deeper in the skin and are softer.

enlarged lymph nodes
Swollen lymph nodes can form a mass behind the ear.

Lymph nodes grow behind the ear. It’s part of the immune system and a proper filter.

Lymph nodes located behind the ear are called posterior lymph nodes.

Lymph nodes can become swollen when exposed to foreign substances. This can happen, for example, because of proximity. The official name is lymphadenopathy.

Swollen lymph nodes should go away without treatment. Skin or ear infections are common causes of lumps.

If the mass lasts longer than two weeks or is accompanied by other symptoms, consult a doctor.

The body responds to the substance by sending white blood cells to the area to be combined with the statin. This causes fluid to pool in the area and cause swelling.

An ear infection or ear infection can cause this.

The part of the skull behind the ear is the mastoid. If bacteria infect this part of the goiter then this causes the condition of mastoid goiter.

From bone space it becomes the element of air. The mastoid has a honeycomb structure. Bacteria infect these air cells.

There are more images than adults. This is a substance that requires medical attention. The bump behind the ear is tender, red, and drains from the ear.

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